Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Without realizing it, Maddy and I had our last nursing moments together a few nights ago. I knew this time was coming, I kept hanging on just a little while longer, now matter how much I wanted to wean her, I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. It’s a bonding experience that just can’t be replaced.
One night a couple of months ago, when she had a rough night and couldn’t sleep, and all she wanted to do was nurse, I was tired, frustrated and said…tomorrow we are going to start weaning. I’m done! I knew it was time. We started slowly, dropping a session at a time. For a few mornings she was completely out of routine, was fussing and crying and just didn’t know what to do with herself. After about the 4th day, she pulled my hand to the rocking chair, patted it, begging me to sit down. With those sweet blue eyes and her very limited vocabulary she pulled on my shirt and said “this mama, this”. A moment that melted my heart and one I hope I never forget, but I knew it was a hurdle we were going to have to get past.
We’ve slowly been eliminating all the other sessions until we were down to only one a day right before bed and sometimes in the night if she happened to wake up. We’ve since eliminated the bedtime session, and one night a few nights later, she woke up wanting to nurse for comfort. It didn’t last long, but I also didn’t realize that was going to be our last session together. Since then, she has woken up other nights, and she has been fine with a few cuddles, a couple of kisses and going right back to bed. She didn’t ask, she didn’t look for it, she’s done, I’m done, we are done.

It’s bittersweet for sure! I was ready, we were ready, its been a special time that I’m so glad worked for us. But it means we are moving into another phase of life. She’s not my baby anymore. She’s growing up and everyday I see how much she changes and how much she’s grown, and everyday I thank God that THIS is the little girl He gave us.