Closing the Next Chapter!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Well, it’s that time again.  We are finding ourselves closing yet another chapter of our lives, and walking fully by faith into what the next chapter holds.  We have been spending our last 2 ½ weeks in Gemena, packing our house, finalizing parts of the construction project, sending our truck back to Kinshasa and saying goodbye, well more like, “see you soon”, to so many of the friends we have made in the last year + in Gemena.

Blake and I were talking yesterday, and he asked, “In a few years down the road, what are we going to remember Gemena being like?”  For now, I’d have to say, that although with this assignment, we have lived in the most challenging of circumstances; no power for our first 6 months, no running water, no refrigeration, cooking entirely by charcoal, it has been my favorite assignment thus far.  And I can say that with complete honesty.

I have grown so much in the last year, and have gained insight into myself I never had before.  I have learned things about myself that I wasn’t prepared to find, but yet, I also learned things about myself I was pleased to find.  As a couple, we had this perfect peace about each day.  Living in sync, and experiencing Christ in our relationship in new ways.  Blake was in a position that allowed him to thrive as a man of God, as a husband, as a missionary and most of all as himself.  I was in a position that allowed me to thrive right along side him, as his support, encourager, ministry partner and wife.

The Lord placed us under his protection and care through it all.  We didn’t have any major sickness, no accidents or injuries (even though motorcycle taxis was my main mode of transport), and no emergencies.  We are not anywhere near good medical care, and with a physically demanding assignment like Blake had, all the long road trips, travels on roads with less than ideal conditions, and with my pregnancy we could have had different results, but the Lord is faithful in His call and promise.  Joshua 1:9 says “Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”  Now as we close this chapter of our lives, we are walking by faith, knowing the Lord’s promise is going to lead us into the next chapter.

I fly to Cameroon on Tuesday, where I will wait there until the delivery of Baby Berry.  By the time we make it back to DRC, we will be facing drastic changes in a very short amount of time.  We will be taking on our new assignment as Program Manager for ALL of DRC, living in a new city and having to learn our way around, not to mention learning to adjust to life as new parents and a family of 3.  We know the Lord is going before us to prepare our way, but pray for us as we transition into the next chapter of lives.

1 Comment

  • Lauren
    Posted May 10, 2014 7:54 pm 0Likes

    So proud of you guys and thankful for the beautiful journey The Lord is leading you on… Praying col 1:9-12 you!!!!
    Hope to catch up soon…

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