Thursday, August 21, 2014
I can’t believe how quickly time flies! And how quickly Miss Madelyn is growing. She’s already 7 weeks old…and her weight is increasing, now up to about 10 pounds and 23 inches long. We are getting on our special feeding and sleeping schedule and overall she’s been adjusting well to the outside world! Mom is doing great. Even more so today because sweet baby girl slept 7 hours straight last night!
I picked my teeny tiny baby up one morning and thought, “wow girl you are massive! When did you get to be so big?” In a panic I said Blake…we HAVE to find some kind of ink pad so we can do hand and foot prints before this girl gets any bigger. And we NEED to take newborn pictures. In the states I have 2 friends that are wonderful photographers, and was suddenly bummed out because neither one of them are here in Congo with us to be able to take newborn and family pictures. Thankful to be in contact with other families, I realized we have a friend right here in Kinshasa that is also a wonderful photographer, and we set the time and place and had a great family photo shoot. Madelyn did great, had some smiles (and tears) along the way, but in the end I can officially say I have newborn pictures of Madelyn while she is still a newborn(ish)!
Enjoy some of my favorites from the shoot! Can I just say, my heart is full these days, I have such a wonderful husband and now this perfect baby girl, and we are living completely in the center of God’s will, what more could a girl want? Oh, and we found oreo cookies in town this week! There’s really nothing better in life than these things.