Tuesday, December 9, 2014
August to December for a blog update? That’s pretty pathetic! All this time that I used to have to write a blog is suddenly gone! Well, we have been extremely busy, running a guesthouse, moving into our new house, raising a baby…and the list goes on.
I saw this facebook post a while ago, and it is exactly how I feel these days!
Miss Maddy, poor girl has been teething for what seems like weeks, and by golly, we just can’t seem to get those teeth to come in. She’s generally a very happy baby, but isn’t eating well right now, because I think it hurts her, so that means she isn’t sleeping well, because she’s hungry. So day after day, I am home dealing with this sweet precious (super upset and annoying) girl, that is driving me INSANE! She’s waking up 2-4 times at night, upset, hungry, tired, frustrated, and many other emotions!
Anyone that knows me knows that one of my greatest strengths is patience. It comes naturally for me; I do not have to work very hard at exercising this strength, but these last few weeks have been a trying time in patience. I know this is just the beginning now that I am a mom, but oh what a difficult time this has been. Everyday I wake up and say it’s a new day. I can get through today, and we are one step closer to her teeth coming in. (Don’t get me wrong; I’m not naïve to think this is the hardest phase, I know other things will creep up on us, but I’m ready for my happy baby again!)
I know that it’s not her fault, I know that she’s just as annoyed by the whole teething process as I am. I know she is trying to be happy, and even in the midst of bouts of screaming and tears, her precious smile slips in there (which makes everything better). She just can’t help it. She loves life, is super social and just wants to entertain, which makes this time even more difficult for both of us. So for this Christmas season, we are here to say, “all we want for Christmas is Maddy’s teeth!”