My 30 Before 30 List

As I was sitting at home after work the other day, reflecting on my day and totally missing my husband, I began thinking awe, how AWESOME, I have another birthday coming up! We all know how much I LOVE my birthday, and then I remembered, this will be my last ‘20’s’ birthday, and then I will be celebrating 30!

I suddenly got really bummed thinking; wow I will be hitting 30. I WILL BE TURNING 30, and that is only 14 months away! I realize that my 20’s had quite an adventure, like moving to a foreign country and falling in love. But, there are so many things I haven’t done! Now I know it’s not that life ends when you turn 30, but chances are I won’t have as much time for myself or maybe it seems as though I will suddenly feel too mature, to do crazy fun-stuff.

I decided to make a list of 30 things I want to do before I turn 30! This list is huge and exciting for me. I never really make goals for myself, and if I do they NEVER last. But at last, here is my list of 30 things to do before I turn 30, and I have 14 months to accomplish them. I will be blogging about them as I cross things off my list and as I grow and stretch myself to do things that I might have never done before!

1. Learn to actually swim. I am GREAT at the doggie paddle!
2. Learn to Dive
3. Fluently Speak French
4. Hike AND summit to the top of a 14er! For those of you non-Coloradoans’ that is mountain with a summit above 14,000 feet.
5. Take up running and Run a marathon. Or maybe a ½ marathon? Or lets be honest, maybe just a race?
6. Read the Bible all the way through
7. Visit the Grand Canyon and/or Yellowstone National Park
8. See the Mall of America
9. Go Kayaking
10. Plant a vegetable/spice garden.
11. Master cooking up a gourmet 5 course meal
12. Invite people over to a gourmet 5-course meal dinner party!
13. Apply for Survivor. Who knows, maybe I’ll get picked
14. Eat an egg Sunny Side Up. If you know me at all, you know that I order my eggs VERY well done – I don’t like how slimy they are
15. Go Skydiving. Hey, it’s got to be on everyone’s list right?
16. Learn to make Cheese Cake
17. Dye my hair. I have NEVER done this! I’m thinking Blonde or Black?
18. Stay out all night and watch the sun come up. Let’s be honest, we go to bed at 10pm
19. Learn to Play the Guitar AND refresh my memory of the violin. This was also on my before I graduated college list…hmmm
20. Read a 500 Page Book in One Sitting If only you knew how slow I read…maybe this will be my stay up all night and watch the sun come up moment?!!!
20B. Read my, “40 books that you won’t be able to Put Down” List.
21. Go Ballroom dancing
22. Take my parents out to dinner and pay for them!
23. Make a Quilt
24. Throw the first pitch at a Colorado Rockies Baseball game.
25. Fix an entire Thanksgiving meal by myself. Including the Turkey.
26. Put together a weekly floral arrangement for my house.
27. Shoot a Gun
28. Get my nose pierced! Again ☺
29. Learn how to Change a Tire
30. Get Pregnant (or at least begin trying!) I LOVE my husband!

1 Comment

  • Heather
    Posted May 24, 2012 11:53 am 0Likes

    LOVE your list! And you know what, there are some on there that I can totally help with! Come run a race with me!!! Start low though. Please don’t start with a marathon! 🙂 Oh, and the 14er one. There’s one not too far from our house that we like. But I’d love to hike another 14er cause I’ve only done 1. Let’s do it! 🙂 And last the swimming… love swimming! 🙂 GREAT list. You can accomplish all of these!

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