My Nemesis

Monday, January 21, 2013

Dear Mr. Mouse in my House 

I hate you.  No…I LOATHE you.  Like Batman to the Joker, or Superman to Kryptonite.  You have destroyed my life!  I know exactly what you are doing, and I can’t say I’m surprised.  You wait in the shower, or behind the bedroom door, or under the dresser, listening for the patter of my feet.  Quietly breathing, waiting and watching with your beady eyes for only me to enter the room.  You know you have me trapped! 

The instant that I enter the room you jump out of your hiding place knowing my heart will beat out of my chest, and I will RUN!  You know that you have all control over me…and that I won’t try to chase you down or stomp on you.  You have no idea the fear you have placed into me. 

I lay in bed, knowing I can’t get out to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, because we will come face to face, and I just can’t bare it.  Every sound I hear, I am SURE it is you, just reminding me that you are near.  I hear you laughing your evil laugh reminding me that I can’t win. 

Mr. Mouse…I BEG you, please, leave my house today…because if you don’t I will begin to feed you.  I will feed you some delicious pink treats that you will enjoy!  Mr. Mouse this is your only warning…I promise you, that although you are winning this battle; I WILL WIN THIS WAR!



Your Nemesis


1 Comment

  • Heather
    Posted January 22, 2013 1:24 pm 0Likes

    bahahahahaha! Love this! And I loath mice too!

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