Wednesday, September 30, 2015
There was a time when I used to blog. And I used to blog often, and they were heartfelt, well written, and honestly quite good. And then suddenly life happened. We had a baby, we changed jobs, and cities, and went on furlough. And then all over again we changed houses, organizations, and then just like that…we are no longer raising a baby, but we are raising a toddler! An active one at that. But let’s see if I can’t get something written, and try and blog more regularly again.
Since I’ve never had children before its funny the types of things I find myself doing. I’d like to believe that every parent does this, but what if I’m the only one! No I can’t be the only one. Of course I think MY Maddy is the smartest baby ever. And we go places, like the park or story time at the library and I watch other children interacting and participating, but NONE of them are as smart as MY Maddy. I always catch myself asking “how old is he/she” hoping their answer will be older than Maddy. (Most of the time it is). And in my mind I’m super proud, because MY Maddy is younger and just as advanced as some of the older kids.
She’s funny, she’s sweet, she’s playful, she understands most of the commands I give her (even though she sometime smiles and pretends like she doesn’t). She likes to help, more times than not, it’s not really helpful at all. But I try and let her help when I can. I’ve learned to be more patient, not rushing through laundry (she loves to “help” me with laundry), and not rushing through other chores, letting her do basic things she can do. I’ve been told to enjoy each and every phase and believe me we try! But I do look forward to the time when we can work together in the kitchen, and she can help me with laundry (and it will be helpful), and we can go get pedicures together! That phase will come soon enough, and I know I will miss the phase before, so for now I’m going to enjoy the little things she likes to do. And take each day one step at a time.