Today Was One of Those Days

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Today was one of those days!  I have a long to do list without a single thing having been crossed off today.  In fact, it seems so many days are like that, I wonder, how do mom’s actually get anything crossed off their list.  I have a friend that recently posted a blog about how different her life is now that she’s a mom (especially a stay at home one like me).  I completely agreed with everything she wrote.  She talked about how easy it is to fall into the funk of trying to measure your day by your productivity.   When I was in the working world, you could see your work completed at the end of a long day and could measure your day by your successes and work load.  I’m a stay at home mommy now and although I thrive on routine and to do lists and I come from a culture of productivity, and staying busy, all of that should have been thrown out the window the day Maddy was born.  But still I find myself holding on, begging for a way to measure my day by how much I accomplished or how much I “crossed” off my list.

But today was one of those days!  By the time we had breakfast, and then walked to the market (I even got an early start!), went to the store for meat, fed Maddy lunch it was already after 11:30.  Perfect time for Maddy’s nap…in theory!  Today was one of those days…Maddy refused to nap.  She didn’t fight reading books, she didn’t fight praying, she didn’t fight me singing to her, she didn’t fight me leaving her room to let her settle herself down, but she flat out just didn’t fall asleep.  I don’t think it’s because she wasn’t tired (because I know she was), today was just one of those days.  I worked on making lunch, checked on her, sang again, read some more, left the room, finished preparing lunch, checked on her, put her on my back…and on and on, by 1:45 I decided perhaps we take a break and try to sleep again later…we all sat down to have lunch (her just a snack), I let her play a little while, and then had all intentions of trying again, but by 2:45 it was time for her to go to play group (which is a huge blessing and Blog Post on it’s own).  My nanny/house worker Esther got her all prepared and ready to go, they left, I’m exhausted, I closed my eyes for 5 minutes, and now an hour later…still nothing is crossed off my list!  And it’s just about time to start on dinner.

Today was one of those days!  I leave 4 weeks from today for my temporary move to Kigali, to await the birth of baby boy, no name…(yes we still can’t agree on a name)!  My list of everything that needs to get done before I go keeps growing, and nothing is getting crossed off my list.  Today was one of those days!  It seems like things will get done eventually right?  But in the mean time, mom friends, what do you do when you have one of those days?

PS. I went to the meat market today, and now we have no power to our house, which means no power to our fridge…ugh, today was one of those days!

And then there are these days:


Where we go to the Library and Read books.
Where we go to the Library and Read books.
Attend weddings and enjoy the day together.
Attend weddings and enjoy the day together.
And build with blocks, and practice colors, and counting and lining up our things.
And build with blocks, and practice colors, and counting and lining up our things.

1 Comment

  • Karen
    Posted June 9, 2016 12:26 am 0Likes

    Love it

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